Expert Witness Reports
When you need an expert witness in land, property or construction matters to give evidence in UK judicial or tribunal proceedings, Chandler Hawkins can provide a professional advice to assist you.
We may be appointed as an expert witness by one of the parties or as a joint expert witness appointed by both parties.
We are qualified to deal with building surveying matters including:-
- Retrospective Valuations: An example would be where a Lender sets too high a valuation on a property, which could lead to a dispute.
- Matrimonial Valuations: For example, where a couple are undergoing divorce settlement and there is a property sale involved.
- Building Defects and Disputes: For example, if a building company carried out some work which was deemed as unacceptable, leading to a dispute.
An expert witness may also be required in landlord and tenant disputes – for example, if a landlord serves a Schedule of Dilapidation at the end of a tenancy which is deemed to be unreasonable or unacceptable and tenant and landlord cannot reach an agreement.
We have experience of the preparation of expert witness reports, litigation procedure and appearance in Court.
A well drafted, unbiased expert witness report often helps the parties to reach agreement and settle a dispute without the need for a court or tribunal hearing.